Topic: Courage

Where the Heart Is


Some of us have spent a lifetime searching for a place to call home, a sanctuary of respite in difficult times. Others have been lucky enough to have sweet memories of a childhood home or have created their own places of spiritual and emotional renewal. How does home nourish your spirit? How can we as a church community help people feel at home? Can we find the courage to offer sanctuary to others?

To Fix or Fight the System?

11:00 a.m.

158 years ago this week, in an attempt to arm slaves for revolt, John Brown led a raid on Harper’s Ferry. Of the six people who funded Brown’s raid, five were Unitarians. This week in worship we will seek wisdom and courage from our past as we consider today’s liberal and radical perspectives on how to build a better world. Middle and high schoolers are invited to stay for whole of worship while children in elementary school will join Rev. Christian in the Fireside Room for Children’s Chapel after the time for all ages.

Our Religious Home

11:00 a.m.

Join us as we explore how we human beings understand the world through a faithful perspective and as we honor the Jewish festival of Sukkot.

The Courage to Covenant

11:00 a.m.

Last year the Youth-Adult team focused on the promise that we make to each other and the promise we make between generations within our community. Join us as we explore the promise of covenant with UUCB’s Youth Adult Team. Middle and high schoolers are invited to remain in the service while children in elementary school will have their regular classes. Come explore this vital aspect of community and service!

Hush, Hush, Somebody’s Callin’ My Name

9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

UUCB’s Affiliated Community Ministers. Join UUCB’s affiliated community ministers on Community Minister Sunday as we reflect on what calls each of us to do what we do and what calls to us as a religious community.

Embracing the Mystery

9 am and 11 am

Life is something we wish came with an owner’s manual, but unfortunately that’s not how it works. In light of this, it becomes important for us to help each other figure out what this whole thing we call existence means, and … read more.

“Strange Fruit” (MLK Jr. Weekend)

9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Strange Fruit is a song made famous by Billie Holiday which talked about lynchings that terrorized communities of color for hundreds of years. The New Jim Crow and the Black Lives Matter campaign reveals that such strange fruit is still with … read more.

When Diversity is Tested

9:00 and 11:00

Imagine you are in charge of diversity for a community. AND imagine the very diversity you help create, feels so unpredictable, chaotic, even scary such that you begin to wonder about your own safety. If you can imagine this, then you can imagine … read more.

Who Shall Inherit the Church?

9:00 and 11:00 a.m.

New year, old church. While the boat of liberal religion has always moved in the cultural tides, the institutional church has long offered a mooring. Many UUs now contend that our institutional survival demands we cast off from the congregation and move … read more.