Topic: Blessing

Blessing of the Animals

Morning Worship

11:00 to 11:45 a.m.

Reviving a longtime UUCB ritual, we will celebrate the animal companions and neighbors that bless us with their presence in our lives. Since most animals prefer to be blessed within the comfort and safety of their homes, this ritual seems well suited to online celebration. We will gather on Facebook Live and YouTube. A longtime member of UUCB, Jim Gasperini has served as Worship Associate, Chalice Circle Facilitator, and Webmaster.

Rev. Michelle Collins, the new Interim Minister for UUCB, will be introduced.

Virtual Coffee Hour

11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
On Zoom. After worship we invite you… {read more]

Offspring of Skywoman, Children of Eve

Drawing from Robin Wall Kimmerer’s experience as a botanist and member of the Potowatami Nation, this story/sermon will look at the joining of generations and the origin stories we tell about the earth and all its creatures.

The Blessing in Leaving

This week in worship we will lean into the power and blessing in saying goodbye well as we bid farewell to several people. This is our Intern Minister, the Rev. Amanda Weatherspoon’s final Sunday among us, we will send the Jay family forth with our blessings as they prepare to move to the Twin Cities for Kathryn’s ministerial internship, and Lindsay Lam will share about her experience growing in faith as she prepares to go off to college.

The Blessing of Growth and Learning

Join us this Sunday as we say “thank you” to all of our Family Ministry volunteers and the Rev. Amanda Weatherspoon, preaches her last sermon as our Intern Minister.