The DIR Story in Photographs


In 2010 Canadian photojournalist Marilyn Smith lived for six weeks in one of the slums served by DIR. Out of thousands of images, she distilled a series of thirty-six, which she had mounted in 20”x24” exhibition format. The series has been exhibited in Paris, Vancouver and Seattle.

UUCB Friends of DIR is currently researching possible exhibition venues in the Bay Area. We would be delighted to hear from anyone with appropriate venues to suggest, in the Bay Area or elsewhere.

A selection of Marilyn’s images can be found here:

03_DIR_2009-6203_HPs_walkingBustee residents trained to be “Health Promoters” setting out for a day’s work in the slums of Chandagarh (photo Marilyn Smith)

Health Promoters receive daily training in health fundamentals, including nutrition and disease prevention. Using three inexpensive pieces of equipment — bathroom scales, stethoscopes and blood pressure gauges — HPs monitor the general health of residents, and gauge the need for further intervention. Results are impressive. Over six years the rate of malnutrition among children under five years of age dropped from 85%to about 43%. Over the same period, rates of child immunization have surpassed the national average, as have the number of births in hospital settings.