Terrace Renovation to Begin This Month

At the time of this writing, bids for the terrace renovation project are imminent and the bid contract is expected to be awarded within the week. The schedule calls for construction to begin on August 31 and to be completed by December 3.

The tree removal project hit a bump in the road when a well–intended neighbor reported to the California Division of Fish and Wildlife that she heard owls flying around and was sure they were nesting in our trees. We now have to have a biologist come to our campus to determine if there are any endangered species nesting and where their nests are. This adds to the cost of the project and stretches the schedule, but the problem is manageable.

We continue to meet with roofing contractors and, with the aid of our architect, will select the best option for a new roof. With the prediction of an early and heavy El Niño season, it is imperative that the roof replacement be completed by mid–September. We also have contacted Schoenstein and Co. to have our magnificent organ protected and retuned as part of this project.

UUCB Building Project Management Team: John Cahoon, Larry Nagel, and David Rockhold