An Ecology of Welcome
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Every niche shapes the evolution of its inhabitants—how is our church habitat shaping our growth?
Three Sisters Garden Blessing and Potluck Luncheon
With Kanyon CoyoteWoman Sayers-Roods.
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Every niche shapes the evolution of its inhabitants—how is our church habitat shaping our growth?
Three Sisters Garden Blessing and Potluck Luncheon
With Kanyon CoyoteWoman Sayers-Roods.
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. As we are faced yet again with fear of what may be about to happen in our government, we need to prepare and gather strength and find hope. Let us work together as we enter this journey.
In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. We hope you’ll join us.
In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. We hope you’ll join us.
In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Geologists suggest naming this current era “The Anthropocene Period” or, The Age of Humankind since the future of the Earth is now, literally, in our hands. As stewards/partners of creation, how can we ‘save ourselves from ourselves?’
In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. The end of October marks a holiday known by many names and traditions. In the Gaelic pagan tradition, it’s known as Samhain, marking the end of the season of harvest and the beginning of the darker time of the year. In an intergenerational service of ritual and story, let’s mark the time when “the veil between the worlds is thinnest” by honoring our beloved dead.
In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. We hope you’ll join us.
In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Multi-voice service on Stewardship.
In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. When is welcoming hard for us, and what is getting in our way? We’ll explore this aspect of our spiritual and communal lives.
In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Technology and devices have invaded nearly every aspect of our lives and our society. How is it changing us and how we relate to one another?
In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.