Social Justice Council, Nov. 2015

Monthly Social Justice Pot Luck and Meeting – November 8, 6 pm. All are welcome.

Confronting Racism Literature, Film, and Drama Group – We discussed Ralph Nelson’s interview on KPFA, called “Heart to Heart: A Discussion Between a Black Man and a White Man about Race”; Ta-Nehisi Coates’s book, Between The World And Me, and Robert Fuller’s article, “What is Rankism and Why Do We ‘Do’ It?”. The book for November is The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin. Join us on Sunday, Nov. 1 at 12:30.  CamilleParker @

Upcoming Events 2016: (1) On a Sunday in January, the LFDC and the MLK Birmingham Jail Letter Study Guide Group members will share their experiences. (2) In February, members of CCISCO Richmond congregations will be invited as we form relationships with other people working on racism.

Social Justice Sunday Table:  Great place to learn about upcoming events!  And, sign up to receive Social Justice emails. Thanks to Helen Toy, the new table organizer!

Social Justice Actions: (1) Ceasefire Walks in Richmond Friday nights at 7:00.  (2) NorCal Climate Mobilization March & Rally, November 21, 10:30 am-2:30 pm, Lake Merritt Amphitheatre. See