Social Justice Council – News and Activities

[It’s so impressive to see the work this group is doing, especially when you consider that it just got going last spring! See what happens when we all row in the same direction?–ed.]

Stop the Jail Expansion

Thanks to the Social Justice Council, UUCB has been in the forefront of opposition to Contra Costa Sheriff Livingston’s proposal to expand the jail.

On August 12, several people from the Social Justice Council attended the Prayer Vigil/Rally/ Press Conference in front of the Sheriff’s office in Martinez. We were joined there by folks from CCISCO, Contra Costa Racial Justice Coalition, CA Nurses Association, and the Richmond Mayor’s Office. Channel 2 News interviewed Rev. Donnell Jones of CCISCO. Our own (Nancy) Kelly was interviewed by KPFA radio and made the evening and morning news! Listen to the interview (starts at 3:08 minutes).

Then on August 18, several UUCBers and Mt. Diablo UUs, along with other members of the Contra Costa Racial Justice Coalition, packed the County Board of Supervisors meeting to oppose the Sheriff’s proposal. UUCB members Lee Lawrence and Social Justice Council Chair (Nancy) Kelly spoke in opposition. Although the Board approved the proposal, Sup. John Gioia’s vote against guaranteeing county matching funds severely hampers the proposal’s chances for state approval. This is an unexpected victory for the CCISCO federation and the Racial Justice Coalition. So our church’s commitment to confront racism is making concrete changes to improve the greater community.

UUCB’s Turn to Lead

Immigration Detention Prayer Vigil, Saturday, September 5, 11am West County Detention Facility, 5555 Giant Highway, Richmond. Help us make a strong showing. Come with your Standing on the Side of Love UU shirt, if you’ve got one. We are especially looking for music-minded people to help lead. Our presence makes a difference to the 150-300 undocumented immigrants inside! Contact Natalie DaSilva.

Confronting Racism Literature, Film and Drama Group

Led by Camille Parker

At the first meeting, we shared recent experiences of becoming aware of our own unconscious biases. This month, we will be discussing MLK’s Letter from the Birmingham Jail. Join us! Sept. 6, at 12:30pm in the Chrysalis Room. Questions? Contact Camille Parker.

MLK Letter Study Group

This month will meet the first and second Thursdays, September 3 and 10, 7-9pm. We’re using Jonathan Rieder’s The Gospel of Freedom as a guide for our discussion. You’re welcome to join us, even if you haven’t read it. Co-led by Lonnie Moseley and Craig Scott. Questions? Contact Craig Scott

And of course, you’re welcome to join us for the next Social Justice Pot Luck, September 13, 6pm.