Significant Choices

miess bob

miess bob{sermonspeaker 106}

Most people would agree that selecting our next settled minister is a very significant choice for our congregation. In his sermon, “Significant Choices,” Bob Miess, our district’s Ministerial Settlement Representative (MSR), will discuss what makes an excellent significant choice, 13 strategies for making excellent significant choices in all sorts of human endeavors, and what an excellent significant choice looks like. Following the services, he will meet with us to explain the details of the UUA’s ministerial search process, how it makes it possible for us to use the 13 strategies, and how we can best take advantage of it to make an excellent choice for our next settled minister.

Bob Miess comes to us from San Jose, where he has served in many key lay positions, including Board President, Vice President, Nominating Committee member, and Worship Associate. He has served our district as a member of the District Nominating Committee and taught at our District’s Leadership School. He is currently the Vice President of the national UU Society for Community Ministries. He is visiting us today on behalf of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) as our district’s Ministerial Settlement Representative (MSR). He has served in this capacity since 2008, and has worked with more than 20 congregations, coaching them to successfully find their new settled ministers. He also trains new MSRs for our national association.