How Things Begin & How They End: Our Cosmos

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How Things Begin & How They End: Our Cosmos

This Sunday kicks off a 5-week series on beginnings and endings. “Where do we come from…  Who are we…  Where are we going?” Throughout history, human discourse has been filled with some of these BIG questions. Where did the universe come from and how did it get here? What’s going to happen to the universe? There are many theories about the future, and often many about the past as well. Whether we are gazing into the depths of space or around at life around us, there is something about the gazing and the questioning that is deeply human. Join us this Sunday as we begin our wonderings with the biggest stage of all – our entire cosmos.

Virtual Coffee Hour
After worship we invite you to switch over to Zoom for a time to connect “face to face.”

Click here to join us.

Meeting ID: 332 046 821

Password: 810131