Richmond Interfaith Harmony Walk — This year on Oct. 31st

The Greater Richmond Interfaith Program—GRIP—is a coalition of local faith communities that, among other things, helps to feed and shelter the poor and hungry in our community. The GRIP Harmony Walk through Richmond is an annual fund raiser that has become a tradition at UUCB. It’s fun and healthy. How many things can you say that about?

All members and friends of UUCB are invited. There’s a free pancake breakfast at 8am, music, and many activities for kids. Bring your dog, stroll with your children, and make new friends with your fellow UUCB walkers. This year the walk will begin at Nichol Park on MacDonald Ave. between 29th and 34th streets.

If you’d like to learn more or are thinking of walking, please stop by the Harmony Walk table in the Social Hall chat or sign up. If you’d like to make a donation, please make your check payable to UUCB and put GRIP Walk on the memo line.  Your donation is tax deductible.