Reflection, Mar. 2015

clough merrin

clough merrinThe seasons change again … spring is nearly here. This time of year, I often wonder what it feels like to be the new bud bursting from an old branch. Or the riot of flowers outside my window. Or a bulb pushing up through the heavy ground. This time of year, nature makes change seem miraculous, awe-inspiring. Certainly spring is here to remind us of that. But also I imagine that the new bud feels differently. Change and the turning of seasons, weather for plants or people, is hard work. We certainly know that here at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley. In this community, we are in a kind of change of seasons as we transition between long-term settled ministers. There is a kind of death and rebirth for churches at times like this.

With a childlike sense of imagination I wonder what the new buds on old bushes in the parking lot think about what’s happening here. That helps me take a fresh perspective. The high school youth group encouraged me to do this more: daydream and indulge my imagination. Earlier this month we were talking about longing for lost treasures of childhood and old ways of being. I think they gave me sound advice as a busy adult who sometimes gets lost in the small drama of the changes in my life. So thanks to our teens, this spring I am looking to the world around me, especially to the wisdom of plants, with an imaginative eye when I need a bit of insight about change and the hard work of growing.

Easter Celebrations are right around the corner on Sunday, April 5th! That may seem a ways away now, but perk up your ears ‘cause time is a-movin’ fast. This year Easter at UUCB will be different than in recent years. Most importantly to note, there will not be a 9:00 a.m. All-Ages Worship Service. Instead, celebrations will begin at 9:30 a.m. with the pancake brunch that will continue until 11:30 a.m. The egg hunt overlooking the bay will begin at 10:30 a.m. Then, like most Sundays, the children are invited to attend the beginning part of the 11:00 a.m. worship service. After a time for all ages, children will leave to create an Easter art project. Childcare will be available all morning in Skytown from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Easter is a big celebration here at UUCB and we need lots of helping hands: egg hiders, cooks, brunch servers, ticket sales, and helpers with the art project. Email to volunteer. And thanks to our event leaders: brunch gurus Richard and Katherine Hanway, egg hunt mastermind Michael Armstrong, and art project angel Melissa Corrigan!

I encourage you to buy brunch tickets in advance. Tickets will be sold online; keep an eye out for email announcements about this. You can also pick up tickets in the Atrium two Sundays before Easter. In mid-March we will begin collecting plastic eggs (empty or full) for the hunt, plus stickers and goodies to go into the eggs. We appreciate creative egg fillings. Candy is delicious, but stickers, toys, coins, riddles, jokes, or other non-sugary egg fillings are encouraged. Drop off your donations in the collection bin in the Atrium beginning March 15 or bring them to the Family Table in the Atrium on Easter Sunday.

Exciting news from my personal life, I’m getting married this month! I’ll be out of the office from March 17-31. If a need arises in my absence, please contact Kathryn Hack, Family Ministry Assistant.