Prayer Vigil for Mike Brown and Ferguson, MO

Dear UUCB Community,

As I have become more involved with CCISCO activities, I have learned that we UUs are thought of by many as “the people who show up.” Yesterday, I received an invitation from CCISCO organizer and pastor, the Rev. Donnell Jones, to participate in a community prayer vigil to lift up the memory of Mike Brown and the people of Ferguson, MO. It seems to me, we are either a part of this community or we’re not. If we are, we have an obligation to show up when we are needed. 

We showed up 50 years ago, when Unitarian Universalists joined together with people of many faiths to proclaim that love was stronger than hate. As diverse theologically as we UUs are, this is probably the one thing that unambiguously unites us. We wear our yellow shirts as a sign that we have faith in the power of love, a love which reaches out to heal and transform. It takes a lot of work to “love the hell out of this world,” as some prophetic UUs are saying, but it is the only way.

The vigil will be held at 7:00 p.m. at:

Miracle Temple, APC
2425 Cutting Blvd.

Tonight we have the opportunity to love the hell out of this world, side by side with our neighbors of faith in Richmond.  I will be there.  Please join me and the members of the Membership Ministry. We will gather at the church at 6:45 p.m. to carpool. 

 Rev. Jones’ invitation is below. 

A Macedonian Call for Mike Brown and the People of Ferguson

Greetings to you all.

We have been faced with a tragic injustice in Ferguson, Missouri. As clergy and people of faith we will stand with those who are painfully impacted by this deeply troubling situation. As we have experienced crime & violence in our own backyards, we can say that “your pain and suffering (Ferguson) has not gone unnoticed. We declare that we are “Our Brother’s Keeper.”

PICO Organizers & Leaders, Bishops, Clergy, and Community Leaders from across the nation aspired to have 1,000 member clergy gathering on tomorrow in Ferguson. Some of us were invited, but just can’t get there with such short notice.

Therefore, I HUMBLY ask Pastors to suspend your regular Bible Study sessions and community leaders to rearrange your schedules TOMORROW AUGUST 20th to join us at MIRACLE TEMPLE APC 2425 Cutting Blvd. Richmond at 7:00 pm for a PRAYER VIGIL for Ferguson. Several churches have made commitments to attend: Bethlehem MBC, Greater Abundant Life Ministries, Kingdomland MBC, Hope Lutheran (El Sobrante), Zion Hill MBC, and New Direction Ministries.

Please Join us as we come together not only as a community but as a nation as we stand with the people of Ferguson as witnesses to the collective wounds inflicted by an inexcusable over-militarized police response.

In His Service,

Donnell R. Jones
Community Organizer, CCISCO