Partner Church News, Mar. 2014

partnerchurchNEWS FLASH – Another retirement! Anne Greenwood is stepping down as co-chair of the Transylvanian Partner Church committee after more than 13 years, and 23 years of involvement. Now is the time to revitalize this long-standing relationship, and co-chair Stephanie Ann Blythe has said she will lead the charge! In the words of Josh Searle-White, now is the time for us to ask ourselves “What is Needed?” What relationships do we want and how do we nurture them among and between ourselves and our co-religionists?

We have a long, successful relationship with the village of Homoródúfalu in the Transylvanian region of Romania. These ethnic Hungarian Unitarians have been buoyed up by our visits, our interest in them, and our support of their young people in gaining an education. But what have we gained? After seven visits to that village and many cards, letters, Facebook exchanges, and more I have international friends, women and men, who know my name and greet me with hugs. I have watched their children grow up and become translators for us while pursuing new careers and leading the way into the age of technology. I have a deeper understanding of the underpinnings of my faith and an appreciation of the perseverance and dedication of these wonderful people to their culture, their church, and their faith. It has been a great joy and one of the most meaningful engagements of my life as a member of this congregation.

What is needed? Young and old members here willing to learn about and engage with these Unitarians, our co-religionists. Take a trip over there, learn about their justice issues as a repressed minority, join in learning about their customs, crafts, and challenges. After all, the name of this committee is the PARTNER Church Committee and new partnering is needed. Please join Stephanie Ann and the rest of the committee in stepping forward into a new relationship with our overseas congregation.