Partner Church News, July 2015


partnerchurchThanks to your generosity we were able to meet our semi-annual goal for the Village Education Fund to support the scholars of Homoródújfalu.  In June we sent $2,400 dollars to aid 12 students from the village.  It took a combination of individual donations, a share of a Sunday offering, selling some pieces of Transylvanian embroidery, and all of you buying lots of goulash to make it all possible.  Have you ever had Mary Pugh do pet sitting for you?  If so, you have a made a donation to the Village Education Fund!

The Partner Church Committee will take the month of July off, but we’ll be back in August to plan more fundraising for the coming church year and see if we can get a pilgrimage to Transylvania next year off the ground.  Getting some young people to go would be a challenge for us.  An even bigger challenge would be to bring people from Homoródújfalu to Berkeley.  Wouldn’t that be a blast?  Your ideas and participation are always welcome.  With Stephanie Ann busy with the ministerial search committee, you could step in and step up.  Any takers?

Want to learn more about travel to Transylvania and the work of the Partner Church Committee?  Contact Stephanie Ann Blythe or Anne Greenwood.  We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m.  All are welcome!