Partner Church News, Feb. 2014

In December we sent a donation to Homoródújfalu for the 21 students who are benefitting from our Village Education Fund. We were only able to send about 25% of what we have raised in the past! Your new ideas and interest are solicited on how to best support our partners. Contact with Anne Greenwood or Stephanie Ann Blythe for more information.

NEWS FLASH – Speak out against the gold mining crisis! You can find information here:şia_Montană_Project concerning the exploitation and destruction of Roşia Montană’s rich cultural heritage and history by gold mining multi-national corporations. Watch this video, produced by the Unitarian Church in Transylvania—many Balázs scholars we have met are shown in this video:

Come to Coffee & Conversation with our Balázs Scholar, Rev. Karoly Vass

Saturday, Feb 22, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. Hosted by Thad and Lucy Smith,

This sociable fundraiser will provide ample time for lively discussion on all things Transylvanian. From religious history to the current mining crisis in Romania, share your questions and get better acquainted with this remarkable Unitarian minister.

Thad’s home is wheelchair accessible and conveniently located near Central and San Pablo Ave. A $20 donation is suggested. RSVP to Anne Greenwood.