Partner Church News, Apr. 2015

blythe stephanie ann 2011

blythe stephanie ann 2011Last month I told you that the Balázs Scholar, Sandor Kovacs, will be speaking at Personal Theology on Easter Sunday, April 5. There are two other opportunities this month to meet with him and hear him speak. The first is the annual Balázs Spring Tea at Starr King School for the Ministry on Saturday, April 18 at 3:30 p.m. He will be in dialogue with Rev. Dr. John Buehrens on “Myth and History.” Suggested donation is $25. The second is at the Pacific Central District Assembly on Saturday, April 25, at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco. His workshop on “Transylvanian Unitarians – Walking a Faithful Path” will explore how the Transylvanian Unitarians and their faith has changed in the 20 years since the first time he was a Balázs Scholar.

I’m sure that you have heard about the newly formed UUCB Social Justice Council and their call for projects to be sponsored by the Council. When we think about social justice outside UUCB, we are often looking only to Richmond and the rest of Contra Costa County. How about social justice over 6,000 miles from UUCB? The Partner Church Committee is looking at the idea of a pilgrimage to Transylvania for youth and young adults to carry out a service project in the summer of 2016. Our partner church in Homoródújfalu has a community hall in need of refurbishing, among several needs. Does this sound intriguing? If you weren’t able to go yourself, could you help sponsor others? The possibilities are endless. The conversation is just beginning, so we would like to hear from you!

Want to learn more about gates and scholars and the work of the Partner Church Committee? Contact  Stephanie Ann Blythe or Anne Greenwood. We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m. All are welcome!