News from the Social Justice Council

At the July meeting of the Social Justice Council (SJC), we organized working groups to further our Confronting Racism Project. As they develop, we will be sharing plans for a book group, film showings, study group on Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” and opportunities to participate in social actions.

In addition to our ongoing activities with GRIP and CCISCO, we want to highlight the following actions this month.

Richmond Ceasefire All–City Walk, Part 2, Friday, August 21

  • Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, 684 Juliga Woods St., 5pm
  • Pullman Point, Carlson Blvd. at Pullman Ave., 6pm
  • New Gethsemane Church of God, 3100 Roosevelt Ave., 7:15pm
  • Greater Abundant Life Ministries, 671 9th St., 8pm
  • North Richmond Missionary Baptist Church, 8:30pm

Invest in Health, Not Jails

Join CCISCO and the Contra Costa County Racial Justice Coalition in opposition to Sheriff Livingston’s plan for 400 more beds at the West County Detention Center. Contact Kelly (510) 328–1204 or Lee Lawrence (925) 878–1162 to learn more or how to contact or meet with your county supervisor about the proposal.

Immigration Detention Prayer Vigil, Sat., August 1, 11am–noon, West County Detention Center, 5555 Richmond Hwy., Richmond

Join us for the next Social Justice Potluck on Wed., August 12, 6pm, Fireside Room