Music Matters, April 2015

baker bryan

baker bryanGreetings, Dear People!

Some exciting musical adventures are coming to UUCB this month. We start with Easter Sunday and a brass quartet of Bay Area professionals raising the rafters. (Imagine those solar panels dancing! 🙂 The next week is Music Sunday, “Being Inside the Music” about the story music tells in its voice. We will have beautiful, charming pieces by the Italian composer Vivaldi and the great Englishman Vaughan Williams. Again, we’ll have a quartet of professionals come to play—string players to join Katya on harpsichord and then organ.

On Saturday, April 18, the choir from the San Francisco UU joins us and the Kensington Symphony Orchestra for grand music of British Royals. Exciting and lovely music from Handel’s joyous first Coronation Anthem to William Walton’s exciting Crown Imperial. This fundraiser is one more of the music program’s concerts-that-raise-money for the UUCB’s general fund. Please come and hear some wonderful music and support UUCB.