Membership Outreach

Sept. 13 – UUCB on Solano  We will be hosting our annual UUCB Solano Stroll booth on Sunday, September 13, from 9am to 6pm. This is our chance to put our best face forward before the 200,000+ people who are out on Solano for the day. We need YOUR beautiful face at the booth! 

We will be decorating our booth with joyful, life-celebrating, exuberant, exotic, and whimsical decorations to evoke the celebration and embrace of life and the spirit. There will be games and activities for kids, too.

Booth volunteers are needed in one-hour slots 9am – 6pm. If you have a flare for design, we particularly need booth decorators at 9am.

If you can’t commit to a booth time slot, please just come by and hang out for a bit. The booth will be between Santa Fe and Curtis, in front of the Pub on Solano.