Membership Signings

Membership Signing meetings are held several times a year on a Sunday from 12:30 to 2 pm. They are announced in the Beacon and The Week Ahead.

At the Membership Signing you will meet with a Membership Team representative and a minister. Lunch and childcare are provided.

Please note that you are welcome to come to any Membership Signing meeting just to listen and hear about Unitarian Universalism and how UUCB operates.  You do not need to sign the membership book and become a member.  We are glad that you are interested in learning more about UUCB.

At the meeting, each person introduces themself and talks a little about their religious or spiritual journey before coming to UUCB. The minister presents a brief history of Unitarian Universalism, its origins and its commitment to the dignity and worth of every human being.

Then the conversation focuses on UUCB (Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley) and its commitment and covenant to each person in the congregation. Questions are answered such as what are the benefits of membership? What are the responsibilities of membership? What does it cost to be a member of UUCB? There isn’t a fee to be a member—there are, of course, costs to run the church and each person decides what they can pledge (promise) each month to keep the lights on, staff paid and the programs running. Some people can pledge $15 a month and some can pledge $1500 a month.

Finally, if your decision is to become a member, the Membership book is passed around for each person to sign their name and the date of becoming a member. After the signing, we congratulate each other … no, not really … but everyone is pretty happy and excited about becoming a member of UUCB and getting more involved with guiding its future.

Then your picture is taken to be placed on the kiosk in the atrium for other congregants to know who you are (your picture is not posted to our website). You are given a yellow “Unitarian Universalist Love” tee shirt. These shirts are worn in solidarity for when we attend protests and events to show our support for love, compassion and our liberal religious values. Other people know when the “UUs” have shown up because we have on our yellow “UU” tee shirts.

If you would like to become a member of UUCB or attend a Membership signing just to see what Membership is all about, please email for more information or to ask questions. Lonnie, Paul or Victoria will respond and answer any questions.