Marvelous Music at UUCB

Luminescence, the UUCB chancel choir

music 2013Music is a vibrant presence at UUCB.  Luminescence, the choir of adults, the Youth and Children’s Choir, Gamelan, small instrumental and vocal ensembles, a magnificent organ, a concert grand piano, and an acoustically rich sanctuary all add up to some marvelous music making.

Director of Music Bryan Baker, organist Katya Kolesnikova, Youth and Children’s Music Director Michèle Voillequé, and a quartet of professional soloist make up our music staff.  The congregation boasts a number of renowned composers and many keen musicians in diverse styles.

Sundays are filled with a variety of music: from grand organ pieces to lighthearted piano duets;  solo songs from Schubert to Sondheim to Sarah Barrielis; choral pieces range from Bach to the Beatles; you might hear Irish folk tunes or songs by Jason Mraz.

The chancel choir rehearses each Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary and sings most Sundays in the 11am service, September through May. This is a non-audition group of very dedicated and enthusiastic and loving singers.  New members are welcome.  Please contact Bryan Baker or anyone in the choir to find out about joining.