Living Our Faith Out Loud

moseley hudson

moseley hudsonWhat would it be like to be “out” as Unitarian Universalists?  Our faith tradition has good news that is itching to be shared.  That we are all connected much more than we know.  That there is an embracing love available to us, and all we need to do is reach out for it.  That this love is emergent from a community like ours. That we share this love through our work for justice. And, unlike many other religions that make similar claims, our community embraces everyone for exactly who they are and for what they hold most dearly in faith and in practice.

Share this good news, and live our faith on your sleeve and on your yellow Standing on the Side of Love t-shirt.  There are many ways to invite friends and neighbors to taste a bit of what UUCB has on offer to them and the world.  If everyone invited just one new person a year, we would deepen our service to each other and to the local and global communities, and enrich our programs of worship and learning. The Membership Ministry Committee and our Outreach Team has assembled this document, Ideas for Extending Invitations into UUCB, to help you live our faith out loud and make UUCB’s presence and good news be known far and wide.  Please be part of our ongoing, everyday outreach!

In faith

Paul and Lonnie