Letter to the UUCB Congregation

May 27, 2013

To Members and Friends of UUCB from your Board President:

When my report at the Congregational Meeting was shortened due to a very long agenda, I promised this letter within a few days.  The few days have slipped, but here is the longer, more in depth report that I promised along with some points I need to emphasize. 

Let’s start with only SOME of the  “GOOD STUFF” from the last year. 

SAYING GOODBYE:  Yes, it is hard to say “Goodbye” but these people were an important part of the “good stuff” from the last year.  Isn’t it great to send wonderful people off with our heart-felt thanks as they continue their ministries?!

  • Our Intern Marcus Liefert who has spent 2/3 of his time exploring community ministry—one of the first in the country.
  • RE Consulting Minister Sheri Prud’homme and
  • Amy Moses-Lagos, our Family Minister… how appropriate that she is starting her own family!

Many of the wonderful things that happened were mentioned in the other reports but I must highlight a few of the individuals and committees of volunteers who did incredible (that is, good quality and lots of it!) work:

  • We celebrated our Schweitzer Award winners, John and Lynne Cahoon.
  • The search committee that found Merrin Clough, our new RE Director.  I hear she is a very talented woman.
  • The committees who made our two (!) ORDINATIONS such memorable events.  We ordained  Aija Simpson and Sue Magidson and celebrated their accomplishments.  Those wonderful events were organized by volunteers. 
  • Volunteers began the work of the Capital Campaign.
  • It is impossible to recognize everyone who volunteers and works so hard for our church.  But we also need to let those who are thinking of becoming involved, that you, too, are needed.  So, if you would like to enhance our community, to show your appreciation, to be a part of it, just contact Alisa in the office.  She can connect you with the group that fits you best.

 COMMUNITY BUILDING is always happening here through the work of volunteers…

  • in spiritual and  intellectual development through Chalice Circles, the Humanists Group, and Personal Theology
  • a new “Youngish” adult group is being started
  • special parties and Fundraisers – yes, fundraisers are great community builders.  So many volunteers are involved!
  • there are so many other groups I can’t possibly list them
  • and, of course, I must mention the various music, theater and art events that bring us together…there is so much!


We are constantly working to make Policy Based Governance work and changes were made to the Governance Manual.  The Manual is available the UUCB website or from the office.  Our Café Conversations on June 29th is in support of our efforts to look to the future…more at the end of this report.


  • UUCB is the largest non-profit donor to GRIP, the Women’s Daytime Drop-in Center, and we gave a huge food donation to the Richmond Food Pantry last fall.
  • The Immigration Justice Working Group is very active and even asked members to sign a petition as they left the congregational meeting.  The vigil at the county jail is growing and our yellow Standing On The Side of Love T shirts were very visible at Immigrant Day in Sacramento. 


  • Susan Lankford was named as acting President of the Pacific Coast District
  • Rev. Bill is finishing his term as President of UU Ministers Association.
  • Linda Laskowski is finishing term on the UUA board and becoming our Treasurer!
  • Partner Church in Transylvania:  we are related historically and we offer them our friendship, our support of their ministerial scholars, and occasionally assist with a special need.
  • We are, for the 10th year, an Honor Congregation since we support the UUA and we are Chalice Lighters—a fund that supports emerging congregations and special programs.
  • In other words, we are connected to other UU’s through an association of UU churches and Fellowships… we are all independent congregations that share values and oUUr principles.

Now the question:  WHERE ARE WE GOING FROM HERE?

We, the members of the board, and therefore, you, members of the congregation  face significant challenges during the next few years.  We will be making some far reaching decisions about the life of the church this year and all of us, Members, Friends, Board, Coordinating Team, and Staff will need to be involved.  

First:  Circle June 29th on your calendar for the

Café Conversations

9:00 AM to Noon

In the Atrium

 There will be a UU Communion (coffee and goodies)

Members of the Board of Trustees and the Linkage Team members are sponsoring the conversation and will what we learn from you to develop new “ENDS” (vision for the church) based on your ideas. What is our collective vision, or our multiple visions for the next 5 to 10 years?  The results will be distributed to everyone.  Then, it will be up to the Board of Trustees and the CT will figure out how to reach our goals—and how to do it with your help.  Please let Lonnie Moseley know if you are coming (helps us plan for our UU“communion”) by emailing her at lonniemoseley@hotmail.com.

I hope to see you all there.



P.S. Save the date! The next regularly scheduled Congregational Meeting will take place on Sunday, February 9, 2013.