
vinczen zackrie

“My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.” ~Thomas Merton

Beginnings are shrouded in mystery and excitement. They provide us with an opportunity to set new paths before us and embark on fresh and unknown journeys. And so, here we are, together at this beginning.

What the year holds for our time is uncertain. Sure, I have ideas and visions about what being a ministerial intern means. However, life has taught me the expectations we have at the start of new chapters rarely have a one-to-one correlation with our actual outcomes.

Knowing this, I am attempting to enter this time with an open mind—allowing the path to unfold in its own way, as I seek out those experiences most needed for my formation as a minister.

Now with the musings about beginnings out of the way, perhaps it would be helpful to tell you all a bit about myself.

Many of you may already know me in some capacity, as my husband Elliott and I have been attending UUCB since late November of 2014. We moved down to the Bay Area a year ago so I could attend Starr King School for the Ministry. Before moving, we lived in Bellingham, Washington and were active members in the local UU fellowship.

During my undergrad I earned my A.A. at a community college before transferring to Western Washington University, where I graduated with my B.A. in Creative Writing, in 2013.

I’m sure there is more that I could say here, but I’d rather have the opportunity to meet with people in person and get to know you that way.

I’ll close by saying that if my first year of seminary is any indicator of how our time together is going to go, then we have a lot of ground to cover and a lot of growth and learning to undergo.

I’m up for the task if you are.