GRIP News, Feb. 2015

The Winter Warmth for GRIP collection was a SUPER SUCCESS. Over six trunk loads of warm clothing and blankets were collected in December; so many in fact, that GRIP couldn’t make use of them all. At their request, we delivered many of the items to other similar charities, such as the Bay Area Rescue Mission and Dorothy Day House. Thank you to Camille Parker and Don Wollwage for helping with deliveries. Also, much appreciation to Marilee Baccich and Martha Helming’s son Steven for their donation of clothes and blankets from Martha’s estate, and to Lorraine Schnurr for her donation of clothes from her recently deceased husband, David. Finally, in case you didn’t read my report on the Harmony Walk, we donated $3,681 to GRIP, which was more than $1,100 over what we donated last year. We are truly a loving congregation committed to social justice and helping people less fortunate than ourselves. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.