Good News!

Searle-White-smWith great pleasure the Pacific Central District Board of Directors announces that Joshua Searle-White has accepted the position of Pacific Central District Executive. Josh will be attending the Pacific Western Regional Assembly later this month, General Assembly in Louisville, KY, and will assume his position in the PCD on July 1.

You may recognize Josh’s name through his popular workshops at General Assembly, the UUMA convocation or UUMA chapter retreats. He is also the author Magic Wanda’s Travel Emporium: Tales of Love, Hate, and Things in Between, published by Skinner House. Josh is a master storyteller with deep experience helping individuals and congregations work with their own narratives to create greater health and vitality. He has deep roots and many years of experience in Unitarian Universalist congregations, where he has taught and served in a variety of leadership positions; and he has created and delivered well-received presentations around the country, as well as at the district and national levels.

Josh holds a Ph.D. in psychology and is currently Associate Professor of Psychology and Department Chair at Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania. He is leaving this tenured position to serve Unitarian Universalism in the Pacific Central District. He tells us he was not looking for another job – only for an opportunity to align his work with his passion for our shared faith. We welcome his talents and enthusiasm.

The Board wishes to thank the Search Committee for their good work and excellent result. They have served Unitarian Universalism in the PCD through an important transition.

Susan Lankford, Acting President
Pacific Central District