Freestone Dispatch, July 2015

Times are a-changing for UUCB’s beloved Sonoma County retreat. The “FreeDome” is about to come into some money. We are in negotiation to sell off the remaining two surplus parcels, originally sectioned off from the dome’s 11-plus acre site, to sell for income to maintain the retreat. The dome can now get a substantive facelift to insure a safe and comfortable place for us to retreat and reflect.

A failing barbeque deck has been stripped to the bones, opening a vista of reflection on design, and most importantly: What will help attract our members and other UUs to this spiritual place of renewal?  What do we need to provide for a large gathering, around a barbeque, sharing food, thanks-giving and song?

This is a time of great opportunity for our retreat, a place unique within our denomination—a place where individuals and families, as well as church groups, can go to get away, slow down, and reflect. Such spots are becoming rarer and rarer along the California coast as communities spread and encroach. The retreat may not be ours in thirty years, but its value to these outside forces will be even greater though its meaning for us be diminished. It would be a shame if we let it go because we could not recommit to coming together to provide monthly administration and hands-on maintenance to care for the “FreeDome.”  Using a little of the marvelous creativity that abounds in our congregation, let’s reach out to neighboring UU churches to promote access and community building in the joy of sharing our special resource.