9:30 am - 10:30 am

The Summer Forum is delighted to have Dr. Paloma Pavel, President of Earth House Center in Oakland and co-founder with Carl C. Anthony of Breakthrough Communities (www.earthhousecenter.org). Her heart-felt and profound talk will be hopeful and uplifting about Climate Justice work being performed all over the world. 

Dr. Pavel spent Fall 2022 in Egypt for COP 27, the UN Climate Summit, and Norway on a Climate Justice Fulbright Fellowship. She will share her cross-cultural experiences and learning via a multimedia presentation.  

Our previously planned speaker from Sunflower Alliance, Shoshana Wechsler, Environmental Justice Activist, was not able to present for August 27th, the last Summer Forum event of 2023 and we hope to have her speak next year on the importance of reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and the work the organization is doing. Shoshana Wechsler is a 2020 winner of the Leadership in Sustainability award in Contra Costa. 

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