Summer Forum: Dr. Paloma Pavel and Carl Anthony
9:30 am - 10:30 am
Environmental Justice Innovators Carl Anthony and Dr. Paloma Pavel on Climate Justice and Deep Time: Community, Coalition, and Collaborative Action in the Age of the Triple Pandemic
Sunday, August 16 Summer Forum, 9:30 – 10:30am
Environmental justice leaders Carl Anthony and Paloma Pavel, Ph.D, MDiv., see opportunities within our current crisis of climate justice. We are living during the time of the Great Turning or the Great Unraveling, as Joanna Macy has named it. We can move towards extinction or towards building strong, resilient communities connected to the natural world. We can grow community, coalitions, and collaborative action during this time of the triple pandemic of racism, climate crisis, and Covid 19. Carl’s and Paloma’s presentation will offer a new story for our time and practical examples of community action led by activists of color in multi-racial climate justice coalitions.
Carl Anthony is an African American architect, regional planner, and social justice activist. He is author of The Earth, the City, and the Hidden Narrative of Race (2017). Among his many achievements, he was president of the Earth Island Institute and directed the national Sustainable Metropolitan Communities Initiative and the Regional Equity Demonstration Project at the Ford Foundation. He co-founded the journal Race, Poverty, and the Environment, the first environmental justice periodical in the US. M. Paloma Pavel, PhD, MDiv, is an eco-psychologist, author, educator, and president of Earth House Center. She directed strategic communications for the Sustainable Metropolitan Communities Initiative at the Ford Foundation and edited Breakthrough Communities: Sustainability and Justice in the Next American Metropolis), featuring 35 voices of activists of color. She co-authored Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty, with a forward by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Carl and Paloma together founded Breakthrough Communities, dedicated to building multiracial leadership for sustainable communities.
Sheila Tarbet, Ph.D., Lonnie Mosely, and Dorothy Herzberg will host the presentation.
Please Join Us on Zoom at 9:20 am. Please arrive ten minutes early as presentations will begin promptly at 9:30 am.
Contact for Summer Forum: Dorothy Herzberg