Mist Tree Moon Circle Spring Equinox
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Celebrate Spring Equinox (on its eve) with the Mist Tree Moon Circle in person on Sunday March 19 – 7:00pm in the Fireside Room.
You may bring items to place on our altar. Flowers are especially appreciated.
If you wish, bring finger food to commune with “cakes and ale for the Queen of Heaven” after our ritual. (If you don’t bring anything, please partake anyway.)
Stay home if you think you might be contagious (healing bless sings!) Wear a mask if you wish. Maintain as much physical distance as you wish.
Questions? Requests? phoebeso@earthlink.net
Let us know if you’d like to co-lead a future circle. We met monthly for two decades. Now we meet on the 3rd Sundays of Equinox and Solstice months, more often when/if a facilitator offers. Growing out of the adult UU religious education curriculum, Rise Up and Call Her Name, the Mist Tree Moon Circle has been meeting at UUCB (sometimes BFUU) since 1995. We are a chapter of the national Covenant of UU Pagans: http://www.cuups.org
Well Come !
)O( Bless Sings! (We DO sing, chant, and sometimes drum!)