1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

UUCB’S Climate Justice Revival Workshop, September 28, 1pm-5pm
Fireside Room, Full Congregational Event
Climate Justice Revival Worship Service, September 29, 11 am
Advocacy Hour for All Follows the Worship Service

CLICK HERE to SIGN UP for the Saturday workshop. Details below!

The entire UU ecosystem is organizing for

Climate Justice Action!

There’s power in numbers and thousands of UUs around the world from 300 congregations are joining hands for a denominational Climate Justice Revival.  Sponsored by the UUA, UUMFE, UUSC and other UU organizations, this Revival will incorporate creative learning, music, embodied practices, and facilitated dialogues. It will help us strengthen our sense of shared community, commitment, engagement, and care for ongoing comprehensive climate justice work. The Revival will put us directly on the path for UUCB to become a Green Sanctuary-recognized congregation, since input from our workshop will form the basis of our Green Sanctuary assessment and action planning. 


This is a unique collaborative effort to boost UU’s social justice and climate work! All 300 participating congregations are drawing on visionary materials, and all our congregational facilitators have been trained in a workshop process putting love at the center.


When the Revival is over, we’ll all be part of the national climate and social justice conversation. It’s exciting, and the Saturday workshop and Sunday service will be full of inspiration, hope, and fun.


Here’s a video message from UUA President, Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt inviting us all to participate: https://youtu.be/zI1x1T88j4g.


Please bring your love and caring for our community and join us.

CLICK HERE to SIGN UP for this innovative, interactive Saturday workshop!