7:00 pm - 9:15 pm
Fireside Room

stromer richard RBG
Dr. Richard Stromer

Movie discussion led by Dr. Richard Stromer
Suggested Donation: $ 60 for series, $ 8 for individual sessions.
Information: Richard Stromer, (510) 682‐6302
To register, email Lonnie Moseley or call (510) 655‐1444.

Cinema is a powerful and captivating medium for exploring the mythic, archetypal nature of our experience as human beings. This class will continue to explore the rich variety of mythic and archetypal themes and characters from the world of film.

This year’s series is The BEST of Myth at the Movies, where the most popular and mythically rich movies from our other years will be discussed.

During the series, we will engage in lively discussions with Dr. Stromer about the overt and hidden symbols and themes in these movies. By the end of the series you will be better able to recognize in any movie the themes and symbols that the writers and directors so skillfully encoded in these works of cinematic art.

This will be a fun and engaging year of movie discussions. Treat yourself.

Oct 6– Field of DreamsNov 3– American BeautyDec 1– Babette’s Feast
Jan 5– BirdmanFeb 2– Cinema ParadisoMar 1 – Pleasantville
Apr 5– ChinatownMay 10 – To Kill a Mockingbird (2nd Tuesday)Jun 7– Groundhog Day

Richard Stromer has a doctorate in mythological studies viewed from the perspectives of both world sacred traditions and depth psychology. He has a counselling and teaching practice based in Oakland that specializes in the application of the concept of personal mythology to issues of psychological and spiritual development. For the past eight years, he has been teaching myth classes at UUCB. To learn more about his approach to working with myth, please refer to his website: www.soulmyths.com

Note: The movies are not shown during the discussions. Please pre-watch the movie(s) as the discussion and Q&A fill the discussion time. Online movie streaming services include Amazon Streaming Video and NetFlix. See following link for 10 Alternatives to Netflix: http://www.netflixalternative.com/top-10-netflix-alternatives/