7:00 am - 2:00 pm


UUCB’s annual food drive is scheduled to culminate on Sunday December 11 and benefits the Richmond Emergency Food Pantry, currently serving about 300 families every week. Last year we donated 1,000 lbs and $3,600 dollars and our goal is to beat that this year. We plan to have the youth weigh the food on the 11th and load it into a caravan of cars that drive it down to the pantry on that same day.

Here is a list of donations they could especially use this year, along with the usual items like canned fruits, veggies and beans:

Oatmeal (Old Fashioned not instant)
Olive Oil (not veg oil)
Cereal (the fun kind not the healthy kind)
Peanut Butter
Toilet Paper
Women’s Period Products
Pull-up Diapers
Diaper Rash Cream
Monetary donations are also accepted by check, cash, or online. We will have a jar out to collect cash and checks on December 11. Any donations before then can be turned in by mail or in our donation boxes at UUCB. Write “FOOD DRIVE” in the memo/notes.


You can make a monetary donation now online through Breeze or Paypal (yellow button below)