Active Imagination in the World—A Practical Method
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Fireside Room
Led by Dr. Lori Goldrich
Suggested Donation: $ 30 (includes artistic materials)
To register, email Lonnie Moseley or call (510) 655‐1444.
Active Imagination in the World—A Practical Method will focus on the practical use of C.G. Jung’s method of active imagination as a pathway to bring what is arising in each of us somatically and on a feeling level into the world.
This technique is a way to “live images in life.” By images we mean archetypes that are alive in us as feelings, intuitions, thoughts, and sensations.
There are so many important things happening in the personal, cultural, and collective psyche at this time that I feel it is vitally important to have at hand a practical method to connect the inner images with outer events, and outer happenings with inner happenings.
By learning how to apply this integrative method, the workshop participant will come to see that the self and world form an interconnected unity. Archetypes are not only inner images, they are social and environmental factors that are potentially active in the world.
Images from our imagination and dreams need to be worked with in living reality, which means that they need to be evoked and reflected upon in relationships and in the natural world, such as in the experience of beholding a great redwood tree and its age-old history; the tree being an archetype that is alive with numinosity and meaning.
This experiential workshop will make this linkage between psyche and the world clear. The participant will come to see that the two worlds, inner and outer, are non-dual. We will utilize the practice of active imagination to accomplish this task, which will include body-focusing exercises and creative modalities such as drawing and writing, as well as integrating our experience through dialogue together. (No artistic experience is necessary.)
Lori Goldrich, PhD, is a Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist in private practice. She is a music therapist and registered expressive arts therapist, with 30 years of clinical experience working with individuals, couples and groups. Her extensive personal background in exploring psyche and the creative arts informs her work, along with her deep interest in exploring creative ways to connect psychologically and spiritually with currents of socio-political-environmental events. Her contemporary analytic approach incorporates sandplay, movement, and other expressive arts into her clinical practice. Lori helped form the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association and has presented on active imagination in the Bay Area and nationally. She teaches at JFK University and the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco.