Empowering Lay Leadership, Enhancing Overall Church Functioning

How do we manifest our UU principles? How do we best achieve the goals of greater connection, involvement, and fulfillment – for ourselves and for UUCB?

The Program Council
The Coordinating Team (CT) has established a Program Council to promote connection and collaboration among the church’s many committees and groups, expand the groups’ involvement in church governance, and help us as a congregation move toward fulfillment of our mission and Ends.

The Council will be a formal part of the UUCB organizational structure with authority and responsibilities, including determining how it will be organized and providing input to the CT on major operational issues, administrative policy revisions, and priority setting.

It will be facilitated by a Convener, who will also serve on the Coordinating Team. The Program Council Development Team and CT recommended, and the Board of Trustees approved, Joanne Wile to serve in this capacity for one year to help launch the Program Council. At that time, the council is expected to elect the convener, subject to the approval of the CT and Board.

Council Representation:  Adult Education, Communications, Facilities, Family Ministry, Finance, Worship, Membership, Music/Arts, Pastoral Care, and Social Justice

Next Steps
Program Council Convener Joanne Wile is working with the Development Team to engage Council representatives. We welcome your input! If you have thoughts to share about this important development in church leadership and organization, please feel free to contact Joanne. More information about the Program Council is available on the UUCB web site.

The first meeting of the Program Council is Saturday, September 19. Council meetings will be open to members of the congregation.

Patrick Cullinane for the Program Development Team (also including Jim Gasperini, Ann Harlow, Susan Lankford, Jane Middleton, Beth Pollard, and Gail Simpson)