

mosaic2011-143Unitarian Universalists are mosaic makers.

We draw from many sources world religions, the sciences, literature, the lives of prophetic men and women and from personal experience. Each of us has pieces of the truth and we need one another to be more whole.

We believe in mending and healing ourselves and our world. Out of brokenness, beauty. Out of many pieces, wholeness. We are one body, one tree of life.

This mosaic Tree of Life celebrates our congregation’s deep roots, sturdy trunk, spreading branches, and new growth.

May this be a living tree.

May all who behold it know they belong.

All are a part of the tree of life.

May this tree remind us of the power, passion, and promise of our congregation and our Unitarian Universalist movement.

We dedicate this tree and bless this congregation as a place of spiritual growth, love and service.


October 2, 2011