2015 maynard lisaHappy New Year!  The CT looks forward to new possibilities and projects as well as continuing some of the work we began earlier. As we open ourselves to visions of what we can accomplish during 2016, we’ll also be opening our new terrace doors and reacquainting ourselves with our beloved view towards the bay!

From the CT’s operational point of view, two big themes for early 2016 are safety and clarity.

The CT will continue to work towards the safety of our community by studying the recommendations and policies developed by the Congregational Safety Task Force, and figuring out how to incorporate them into daily operations. We will protect our property and our resources by planning operational improvements in conjunction with our dedicated staff, and by working on a budget plan for 2016-17 with our dedicated Treasurer.

As we do this important planning, we will also renew our dedication to clarifying, documenting, and communicating operational policies, processes, and reporting lines.

Let’s keep on moving forward!

(Yes, that is a reference to the Stewardship campaign! Read about it elsewhere in this Beacon.)

The Coordinating Team meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. If you’re interested in attending, please contact me to verify our schedule and meeting place.