Co-Sponsored by the Transition Team and Family Ministry

January 10, 12:15-2:30 pm

This conversation will be a little different than previous ones. We will use a “fishbowl” format to listen carefully to different groups within the church to try to understand deeply about their observations, feelings, needs and requests of this congregation and of Unitarian Universalism in general. 

We are in a very important time of transition in this congregation and in our larger world.  Powerful things are changing. What we do as members and leaders of UUCB makes a difference. This congregation is made up of very different generations of people with very different perspectives, feelings, needs and requests. But we don’t stop to hear or understand where our diversity – and our commonalities – can be useful. We also don’t always pay close enough attention to understand when assumptions or ignored needs can feel alienating or disheartening.  If UUCB’s—and UUism’s—best future will come through figuring out how to work together, we need to leverage our diversity as an asset and maximize our cooperation and collaboration. 

The three groups we’ll be creating (and you are encouraged to self-identify) are:

  1. Elders and Longtime Members– these are people who have for many years supported this (or other UU) congregation(s) through volunteering and/or financial support (people who represent those who got us here)
  2. Youth and Young Adults – these are people who either grew up in or recently came to the church who are in touch with new ideas about how the world works and what it needs (people who represent the future)
  3. Forward-Looking UUs – these are the people who’ve bought in to UUism as “powerful,” “essential,” but can also see its struggles and challenges (people who can help build the bridge)

Each group, represented by 3 to 5 people (?), will give voice to the following questions:

  • Tell us your hope for UUCB’s future. What guiding vision do we need in order to honor your part of us as we grow together?
  • What unique gifts does your group offer that other groups should know about?What unique needs and challenges do they need to understand about you?
  • What are UUCB’s – and UUism’s – greatest obstacles if it hopes to be relevant in the future?

This will be a fascinating conversation that you won’t want to miss.  If you would be interested in playing a role in one of these groups, let Merrin or Rev. Greg know by January 3.