Confronting Racism Update, July 2015

UUCB’s Social Justice Council is proud of its first event – the Confronting Racism Workshop held June 3rd.  96 people attended!  Reverends Ben McBride and Donnell Jones facilitated interactive exercises through which participants were able to speak about their personal racial biases and systemic racism.  From attendees’ evaluations:  “Made it really – tactile – observable.” “Made me more aware of them.”  “I looked deeper.”  “I’ve had a lot of experience in education in this. It comes better from a Black reverend who knows love.” “I was already aware, [of personal biases] but the workshop heightened what was there: the internalized feelings of being ‘less than’ in America. “

Evaluations also informed the organizers that the workshop was missing the Female Voice, was missing youth and more people of color, and that too much was packed into two hours (and we did run over).

The purpose of the workshop was not just to build on self-awareness of one’s own biases and systemic racism, but to energize people and set a foundation for the work the Confronting Racism Project will do in the Fall and into next year.  Forty attendees want to actively participate either in creating the next dialogs or actions, inform and invite others to participate, or lead or participate in a book group or film series.  Organizers are thrilled to have this support in moving the confronting racism agenda forward!