Chapter 7

The Wide Horizon’s Grander View – A Design for the Next 90 Years [as of 1981]

Our church, as it moves into the future, will begin to play a larger part in the denomination.  It will work to be a growing source of strength to Unitarian Universalism, as once it was nurtured.

A continuing relationship with Starr King School will be important to the school as well as to the church as it assists in the education of ministerial interns.  The list of the church’s “graduates” will continue to grow.

The rich musical program of the church will continue to be enhanced by choral music of high quality and by organ and harpsichord music for services and in concert, by our talented organists.  The successful choir tour in Europe in 1981, led by Phyllis Wells, choir director, may have an encore somewhere else in the world.

The Religious Education staff will continue to develop new materials for the children in the program.  Freestone dome and surroundings will be a further enrichment of our environment.  The present UU-UC Luncheoneers [currently called UUs at UC] and the student group will strengthen our connections with the University.   And no matter how many projects are in progress or planning, others now undreamed of will come into being, continuing and enlarging the significance of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley.

Principal sources of the information on which this history is based are:  Charles William Wendte’s two-volume “The Wider Fellowship.”  A rough draft history written in the 1960’s by Maizie Newman, my own research for and write-up of “Unitarians and the University of California,” plus perusal of hundreds of pages of the church’s Board minutes, scrapbooks, and the photograph archive.   Finally, some information was obtained in interviews with long-time members, especially Lester Frank and Newell Nelson.