CCISCO Update, Feb. 2015

Members of the congregation continue to work actively with our community-organizing partners at Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Community Organization (CCISCO). Currently, we are focusing on two main projects: “Ceasefire” and the proposed University of California campus to be built in Richmond. A number of us arrive at a different Richmond church each Friday night for a “Ceasefire” walk in the neighborhood. Hoping to curb gun violence, we carry a message of “alive and free to the community.”

If you are interested in participating in these walks, contact Rev. Craig Scott.

A coalition of neighborhood groups, trade unions, etc., has been involved in pressuring UC to include protections for local residents in its planning for the Richmond campus, such as local and union hiring, local business opportunities, preventing housing displacement, and helping to enrich Richmond schools.

Coming up soon will be implementation of President Obama’s executive plan to enable immigrant families to attain nondeportable status despite their lack of official documentation. Workshops will be organized to assist with the application process. This will be an excellent opportunity for UUCB members to assist the local immigrant communities. Stay tuned for more information.

For information on these and other CCISCO programs, contact Rev. Craig Scott.