CCISCO Update, December 2014

scott craig

scott-craigUUCB members have been busy working on social justice projects with CCISCO. Congregants played an active role in getting out the vote in West Contra Costa County. Proposition 47, which we were supporting, was passed overwhelmingly in California. Although we do not support candidates, of course, it is good to note that big money went down to defeat in Richmond, where Chevron spent $3 million to change the political climate yet was resoundingly defeated.

We continue our work with the Richmond Ceasefire program, walking our Friday night walks in Richmond neighborhoods and participating in “call-ins” of at-risk youth.

Congregants have also been active in community activity to ensure that jobs, business opportunities, and educational support will available to Richmond residents as the Berkeley Global Campus at Richmond Bay progresses. The proposed campus was recently analyzed in a thorough study entitled “Anchor Richmond.” To view the study and a video of the press conference where it was shown—in which UUCBers participated—visit

VERY IMPORTANT – Please plan to attend our “Justice Summit” at UUCB on December 6, from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. We hope to have all of our social justice groups present to discuss how better to coordinate our efforts and to communicate about them within the congregation. All are welcome.

Questions?  Comments?  Want to get involved?  Email Rev. Craig Scott