Category: Worship

Sunday Worship in November

Nov. 1  Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left Just Doesn’t Get it, Rev. Greg with Marsha Saxton
A sermon about justice and political will – especially with respect to how lobbyists create gridlock and an insight into the number of people … read more.

Responsibilities of Worship Associates

Each Worship Associate assists the minister in planning, preparing and presenting the Sunday morning worship. Each Worship Associate conducts approximately 6-8 services each year. Some experienced Worship Associates may also work with speakers besides the minister. Finally, a Worship Associate may also have opportunities in … read more.

Liturgy – The Work of the People

In a typical Unitarian Universalist worship service you are likely to experience a recognizable Protestant liturgy (liturgy means ‘the order of different elements – like singing hymns, a prayer, a sermon, etc.). We believe that worship is a public exploration of personal ideals. And being … read more.

Non-Creedal, Non-Doctrinal

Unitarian Universalism is a very unique approach to religion today. It is non-doctrinal and non-creedal, which means that we don’t espouse all people accept one Truth or set of beliefs. Yet, we do ask that everyone work to clarify the truth of their experience and … read more.

Theory of Worship

Worship is a process which intentionally tries to help stimulate people’s self awareness and self actualization.  We want it to inspire and call forth connections to our deepest values.  Since the hope is to help people ‘transform’ into their best selves – and – since … read more.

Purpose of Worship

Weorthscipe (worth-shaping)

Worship comes from the Old English word ‘weorthscipe’ which mean ‘worth’ + ‘shape.’  Worship helps people – individuals and community – to shape worth – take what is worthy and give it shape.

Ideally worship seeks to help clarify two things: an individual’s great ‘calling’ (understanding … read more.

Themes in Worship

Sunday worship services follow broadly around monthly themes. The reason for this is so that a variety of programs throughout the church can plan, prepare and present different ideas on a common theme and encourage broader conversations. For instance, a theme that is covered in … read more.

Different Kinds of Worship

There are also different kinds of worship. 5-6 times a year on Sundays there are intergenerational worship services where the children and youth stay for the whole service and we explore themes and stories that span the generational spectrum. 2-3 times a year we have … read more.

Worship at UUCB

UUCB holds two Sunday morning worship services from September to May, at 9:00 and 11:00 am. During summer months there is one worship service, at 11:00 a.m.  Services run approximately an hour.

When you arrive at UUCB, you will be warmly greeted by our welcome team. … read more.