Category: Sermons

A Call to the Heart, Mind, and Spirit from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
Welcome to the UUCB Sermon Podcast!
We are sharing our weekly Sunday sermons from our called and visiting ministers, seminarians, and lay people of our congregation.
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Lessons from the Flying Trapeze

Step 1: Getting Started

The minister of a small-town church was walking down the street one hot summer day. At the end of the block he found two little boys that he recognized from his Sunday School. They were sitting on the curb, and cuddled between … read more.

The Work of the World


To be of use
by Marge Piercy

The people I love the best
jump into work head first
without dallying in the shallows
and swim off with sure strokes almost out of sight.
They seem to become natives of … read more.

The Soul of All: Teachings of the Sufi Mystics

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Unitarian Universalism draws from many sources:  personal experiences, wisdom from the world’s religions, humanist teachings, prophetic and poetic words from many cultures.

Today’s reading is from the Islamic Sufi poet Rumi.

Destruction Precedes Renewal

A man started to break up the earth with a … read more.

To Be A Blessing

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What a joy to be standing in this pulpit for the first time since you ordained me into the Unitarian Universalist ministry last April.  This is the stole you gave me as an ordination gift

and this is the first time I’ve worn it for … read more.

Healing Blessings

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Call to Worship – an Irish Blessing, adapted

May the blessing of light be on you, light without and light within.
May the blessed sunlight shine on you and warm your heart until it glows like a great fire, so strangers and … read more.

Blessings of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

Baby Blessings (blessing with earth, air, fire, and water)


Unitarian Universalism draws from many sources. We become familiar with scriptures and stories from world religions and discover their meaning and wisdom.

This reading is from the 14th century Muslim Sufi Poet Hafiz.

Every child has known … read more.

Learning from the Lilies of the Field

Stop it.  Whatever you are doing, stop it.
That’s the whole idea of the Sabbath.
God worked, created for six days, and then rested.
It’s a very old story and like most old stories it speaks
a human truth.
These … read more.