Category: Sermons

A Call to the Heart, Mind, and Spirit from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
Welcome to the UUCB Sermon Podcast!
We are sharing our weekly Sunday sermons from our called and visiting ministers, seminarians, and lay people of our congregation.
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Pieces of the Puzzle

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After her freshman year in college, Anish, also known as Heather Anderson, “signed on for a summer program in the Grand Canyon. She, like many young women, did not like her body and consoled herself by eating Oreos and milk like they were cereal.”

Captivated … read more.

We Are…

We are…

We’re gonna sit at the welcome table.
We are building a new way
We shall overcome.
We are a gentle angry people
We are standing on the side of love
We are one

Do you notice a theme here?

This is just a sampling of songs … read more.

Faith for a New Economy

Story Time for All Ages, Ann Riley

We should add to the story: In resisting our bullies, and in working together, we each have a unique gift to share.

Odon has a brother, Bodon, and he faced a pretty similar situation. You see, Bodon used his strength … read more.

On The Road Again

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Good morning everyone, before I begin my sermon, I’d like to acknowledge that yesterday marked the beginning of Ramadan, the most sacred time of year in the Muslim tradition, and ask that we take a moment to acknowledge our interconnectedness with all Muslim UUs … read more.

Myths We Live By: A Fairytale Guide to Ever After

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I’m talking today about how myths and fairytales can guide us through the crises of midlife and beyond.

My problem with mid-life crises is that I don’t know the end-point so I can’t exactly divide that by two and find the middle, so I just … read more.

Honoring Imperfect Fathers

To be a father in our culture is to undergo many challenges, sustain hope through many struggles and be required to take imperfect action. Let us honor the fathers of many kinds in our midst – in all their humanity – for the intention, love … read more.


With Director of Family Ministry Merrin Clough, student minister Zak Wear, Paul Hudson (slides); Muse Crossing, Please come cheer and support our graduating high school seniors and celebrate our all ages community.

(Audio and/or video to come…)