Category: Sermons

A Call to the Heart, Mind, and Spirit from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
Welcome to the UUCB Sermon Podcast!
We are sharing our weekly Sunday sermons from our called and visiting ministers, seminarians, and lay people of our congregation.
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If you are searching for a sermon and don’t find it here, please contact us. Our archives date back to 2007. You will need the date and/or name of the sermon(s) in order for us to locate it.

That Ever-Elusive Search for God

{podcast_episode 204}

Deeply spiritual. Hungry for connection. Longing for ways to be of use – especially in the midst of such chaos… Isaiah responds eagerly to the call. “Here am I!” he says. “Send me!” This despite just having had seraphim – angels of the Lord … read more.

When Angels Meet Giants

{podcast_episode 201}

The bird pulled on the mouse who pulled on the cat who pulled on the dog who dog pulled on the girl who pulled on the boy who pulled on the wife who pulled on the farmer who pulled and pulled and pulled on … read more.

The Circle that Draws Us In


 (From the Rev. Dr. Jim Nelson, who serves my home congregation in Pasadena, CA.)

“A woman in a congregation I served asked to come talk with me. When she arrived, she appeared nervous. I asked her what was going on, and she began to cry. She … read more.

Spiders, Dragons, Webs, and Churches

{podcast_episode 195}

I wanted him dead. Throwing him off my second story porch would have been too good for him. I wanted to kill him. And not just that. I wanted to kill all his relatives too.

It was, admittedly, a very drastic response. Reflexive. Sudden. And … read more.

Bird by Bird, Stone by Stone

{podcast_episode 194}

‘…That monstrous universal sense of having no place wherein we fit.’ How powerful is such a place? How powerful is that yearning for attention, acceptance, affirmation, affection… love? Powerful enough it would convinced Matthew Sheppard to take the risks he took when he went … read more.

Perfect Strangers

{podcast_episode 188}

Amazing Grace…. how sweet the sound… that saved a soul like me… Something changed in this hymn when we included it in our hymnal. The word wretch was replaced with soul. I’ve always loved the hymn. But like others who encouraged the change, I’ve … read more.