Category: Sermons

A Call to the Heart, Mind, and Spirit from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
Welcome to the UUCB Sermon Podcast!
We are sharing our weekly Sunday sermons from our called and visiting ministers, seminarians, and lay people of our congregation.
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Learning to Sing the Blues

Intern Zackrie outlines the life of B.B. King, who died this past May.
A Reading is adapted from a dialogue interview between the Rev. Ken Reeves and a member of an Ohio UU congregation.
With musicians Soul Rising, Rev. Greg explores spirituality and the blues.

… read more.

Life Is for Giving

Select the link below to view Rev. Greg’s Sunday September 20 sermon in context. The file includes:

Kathryn Jay’s Beginning the Journey, referencing Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement
for chalice lighting, Litany of Atonement
a Time for All Ages that Rev. Greg delivered while lying flat on his back
a Reflection … read more.

Between Melting and Freezing

Between melting and freezing,” says T. S. Eliot in his Four Quartets, “ the soul’s sap quivers.”  The “dumb spirit” “stirs.”  “This is the spring time / But not in time’s covenant.”

 What does it mean to be “between melting and freezing”?  I’ve thought about it … read more.

The Sky Is Falling

Select the link below to view Rev. Greg’s Sunday August 30 sermon in context. The file also includes:

Sidney Camara-Hurtado’s Beginning the Journey, examining responses to a disturbing incident of racism at her high school
for chalice lighting, a quote from Gaylord Nelson, the founder of Earth Day 

Rev. Greg’s … read more.

Y’All Come Back Now, Y’Hear?

Select the link below to view Rev. Greg’s Sunday August 23 sermon in context. The file also includes:

Kathryn Jay’s Beginning the Journey, wishing that the church puts children and RE at the center of its mission this year. 
Dedication of Our Children – A Ceremony of Belonging    
a reading from … read more.

Abraham and the Peach Seed Monkey

What is that peach seed monkey?  That thing we need from our father?  That thing that confirms and solidifies our relationship?

Whatever it is, Isaac didn’t get it.  And felt he never would.  No token in the mail.   No apology.  No note of understanding.  Nothing.

It says … read more.

I’ll Love You Forever – Leaving Home

Narrator:         A mother held her new baby and very slowly rocked him back and forth, back and forth… And that boy grew.  He grew and he grew and he grew…

Mom:              Greg, come home.  It’s getting dark and dinner is almost ready.

Greg:              C’mon mom!  … read more.

The Freedom in Letting Go

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Letting go.  These words can bring up up feelings of loss and recall challenging times.  Sometimes letting go does bring pain.  Sometimes we need to let go long before we feel ready to do so.  Our story this morning, and the poem so beautifully … read more.