Category: News

Do You Enjoy Bright, Shiny Objects?

Why not staff the Jewelry Table one Sunday a month before and after the 11 o’clock service. It’s a fun way to get involved and contribute to the financial well-being of the church. Nothing but friendliness and good listening needed. Help and training is free. … read more.

Check Out UUCB Authors

Dorothy Herzberg is inviting everyone to stop by the Book Table and take a look at all these books by UUCB authors:

Barbara Hamilton–Holway, Who Will Remember Me?
Bernie Loomer, Unfolding
Beth Glick–Reiman and the Write for Your Life group, Write for Your Life
Camille … read more.

Let’s Keep the Fun in FUNdraising!

Those great parties and other activities we auction off are the heart of our community’s social life and a fun way to support the church. After many years of yeoman service as FUNdraiser–in–Chief, Ann Harlow has retired, but with your help Jane Lundin and Ellen … read more.

Communications in Transition

With Lisa’s departure last month as UUCB’s Communications Administrator, responsibility for church communications transitioned from the staff to us, the congregation.

A new Communications Design Team has been formed to lead this effort. Initially, the team’s focus will be on making sure that The Beacon on … read more.

Help with Out-Reach

Save Your UU World Magazines!

Many of us toss our UU World magazines in the recycling bin after we have read them.  Want to put your copies to better use? The Outreach Action Team is embarking on a campaign to collect UU World magazines, put a … read more.

CSAI’s for General Assembly 2014

Attention UUCB members interested in creating a better world!

Six different social justice issues – Congregational Study/Action Issues (CSAIs) – have been proposed by various UU congregations to consider and prioritize by February 1, 2014. Of the six, only five will be considered at the General … read more.

Good News!

With great pleasure the Pacific Central District Board of Directors announces that Joshua Searle-White has accepted the position of Pacific Central District Executive. Josh will be attending the Pacific Western Regional Assembly later this month, General Assembly in Louisville, KY, and will assume his position … read more.