Category: Partner Church

Partner Church News, May, 2014

Harminchárom and Roșia Montana!

A double greeting this month from the Transylvanian Partner Church Committee: the first is the number 33 in Hungarian, and the second is Romanian for Red Mountain.

We’ve told you how you can donate on-line to the Partner Church Committee through the UUCB … read more.

Partner Church News, April 2014

Szervusztok (Hello!)

As your new Partner Church Chair I’m seeking to renew UUCB’s relationship with our Partner Church in Homoródújfalu as we go forward with our ministerial transitions. As I was reminded on a recent teleconference, we offer parity with, not charity to, our partners as … read more.

Partner Church News, Mar. 2014

NEWS FLASH – Another retirement! Anne Greenwood is stepping down as co-chair of the Transylvanian Partner Church committee after more than 13 years, and 23 years of involvement. Now is the time to revitalize this long-standing relationship, and co-chair Stephanie Ann Blythe has said she … read more.

Partner Church News, Feb. 2014

In December we sent a donation to Homoródújfalu for the 21 students who are benefitting from our Village Education Fund. We were only able to send about 25% of what we have raised in the past! Your new ideas and interest are solicited on how … read more.

Homoródújfalu Frequently Asked Questions

How do you pronounce Homoródújfalu?


Where is our Partner Church?

In a rural Transylvanian village in Romania, with whom we first had contact in the 1930’s. The war years and the communist regime intervened. The partnership was revitalized in 1990 when Rev. Boeke … read more.