The Blessings Bag Team is SOOOOOOOOO grateful to all of you who have been so generous in providing toiletries, warm socks (lots of them!), H2O in aluminum containers (NO plastic) and a variety of snacks!
Leyla and O’Neill Fernandez from SOS were with us again on March 10th to assemble the second round of Blessings Bags. SOS, one of our Good Neighbor partners, stands for Safe Organized Spaces, and brings mobile showers into encampments so that folks have a chance to clean up.
UUCB Member, Melissa Rosales, organized the Religious Education classes so that our youth could play a big hand in this process. We had a chalice lighting and then went around and shared what we knew about being “unhoused.” O’Neil told us his story of working in a restaurant, sleeping in the back at night. What do you know about unhoused people?
We put together about fifty Blessings Bags; all but five of them were taken by UUCBers to hand out to folks they may encounter at the grocery store, on the street, or anywhere there are unhoused people. Please share your encounters with us.
The next and LAST ASSEMBLE will be on Sunday, June 2, 2024 in the UUCB Social Hall. Thank you again UUCB members for voting for this sponsored project to provide toiletries, socks and other needed items to unhoused peopled. See you on June 2nd!
If you would like to learn more about the Blessings Bags sponsored project, please email and address Beth Jerde.